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Is also a centre of excellence for professional driver training for anyone who needs to drive off-road for their work. Certificated courses available through Lantra and Borda, covering 4×4, sit-in and sit-astride vehicles. Contact us to find out more. Is also a centre of excellence for professional driver training for anyone who needs to drive off-road for their work. Certificated courses available through Lantra and Borda, covering 4×4, sit-in and sit-astride vehicles. Contact us to find out more.

Is also a centre of excellence for professional driver training for anyone who needs to drive off-road for their work. Certificated courses available through Lantra and Borda, covering 4×4, sit-in and sit-astride vehicles. Contact us to find out more.

Land Rover Experience Scotland

A fun-filled off-road driving adventure. Experience the thrill of off-road driving in the latest Land Rover models.


The new junior Land Rover off-road driving experience for 11-17 year olds. Let your kids take the driving seat!

Quad Trek

Make a Quad Trek with Highland Offroad a top priority when visiting Dunkeld, you will not be disappointed!

Highland Offroad Training

Join our Trek Days with your own 4×4 for an amazing driving adventure in your own 4×4 within the Perthshire countryside!

Highland Offroad
Quads & Training

The Steading, Dunkeld Park, Dunkeld, PH8 0HX
Call us on: 01350 728700
Postcode for SatNav: PH8 0AG
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